Highlights from our Latest Charge Rates, Salaries & Benchmarking Survey
The latest edition of the survey was released early last month and remains open to both participating and non-participating firms until May. Part B, a detailed analysis of the top 19 expenses incurred by firms after staff salaries, will be released at the end of January.

Following is a brief synopsis of some of the key results:

We have seen an improvement in profitability (prior to partner benefits) since this time last year​
Notional fees per partner and staff productivity are generally on the rise​
Proposed increases in rates and salaries for professional and administrative personnel are mostly more conservative this year​
Total benefit entitlements for partners illustrated conservative improvement for the year​
Raw growth continues to be problematic​
Increases in personnel numbers have been conservative over the period​
Earn rates are on the rise with improvements in write offs
To obtain a complete copy of this report, please click here for a registration form.

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